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71st Independence Day Celebrations at PG CollegeReading Room at Central LibraryReading Room at Central LibraryText Book & Reference CollectionText Book & Reference CollectionText Book & Reference CollectionPeriodical SectionCirculation of Library MaterialsLibrary circulation deskJournals & Periodicals SectionJournals & Periodical DisplayClassified the new arrivals according to scientific methods like Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) systemClassification SectionBlood Donation Camp in the College Premises Organised by NSS Unit, MRPG CollegeDirector - MRPG CollegeOur Director Start Rally on behalf of Awareness on AIDSNSS Day Celebrates at MRPG CollegeNSS Day Celebrates at MRPG CollegeInternational Ozone Day 2016 Organized by Chemestry DepartmentPVG Raju (Rajasaheb of Vizianagram) with Former Prime MinisterReading Room @ MRPG CollegeGames Facility @ MRPGDistribution of Medicine in the CampusBUS Facility @ MRPG CollegeCafeteria @ MRPG CollegeChemical Lab @ MRPG CollegeMicrobiology @ MRPG CollegeRaja Saheb of Vizianagaram Greets former Prime Minister Smt. IndiragandiPeriodical Section at MRPG Central LibraryPG Administration BlockMRPG College Central Library - Book CollectonStudents at MRPG CampusMaharajah's Post Graduate Collge, Phool Baugh, Vizinagaram-535002

About College

M.R.P.G College was founded under the auspices of the Maharajah Alak Narayan Society of Arts and Sciences (MANSAS) Trust. The MANSAS Trust was established in the year 1958, by Dr. P.V.G. Raju, Raja Saheb of Vizianagaram, by donating a major extent of his landed property to serve the cause of......

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About Chairman

Ashok Gajapathi Raju is the younger son of the last Maharaja of the princely state of Vizianagaram, Highness Pusapati Vijayarama Gajapathi Raju.

Not many know about Gajapathi Raju’s background work with charity and philanthropy. His family as such is known for their extensive social .....

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About Correspondent

Dr. K V L Raju is a passionate teacher, committed researcher, successful administrator and an appreciable academician. Best Thesis award from Andhra University was conferred on him for his outstanding thesis work done for the award of his Ph.D. He has been rendering....

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About I/C Director

Shri. SVN Lakshmi Narayana, who believes in and practices diligence, is an exponent of teaching physics. Besides he is a good administrator, he is good at counselling students. He held the Department as Head for sixteen years and rendered his services as Asst.Director relentlessly for three years.

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MRPG College - Phoolbaugh, Vizianagaram - 535 002
News - MRPG College
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News - MRPG College
  • Lecture on Effect of Nutrient on Human Health & its Management

    Friday 23rd of September 2016

    Dr. B. Ramakrishna Delivered Lecture on Effect of Nutrient on Human Health & its Management which was organized by Research Forun on 23.09.2016.

  • Guest Lecture on AP Economy and Double Digit Growth

    Thursday 22nd of September 2016

    M.Sundara Rao, Former Professor of 22, A.U, Visakha Patnam Delivered Lecture on on Recent trends on AP Economy and Double Digit Growth on 22/09/2016 which was organized by Department of 22.

  • Guest Lecture on "Goods and Services Tax"

    Friday 19th of August 2016

    The Departments of 19 and Departments of 22 has organized a guest lecture on "Goods and Services Tax". The resource person of the event is "G.Swathi" on 19th August, 2016.

  • One Day Workshop on "Pedarikampai Gelupu"

    Monday 22nd of August 2016

    The Department of 19 has organised a one day workshop on "Poverty-issues and challenges" on the eve of Krishna pushkaralu by Government of Andhra Pradesh on 22nd August, 2016

  • Seminar on "Physical literacy"

    Tuesday 23rd of August 2016

    The Department of 19 and the Department of English has organised a seminar on "Physical literacy" on the eve of Krishna pushkaralu by the Government of Andhra Pradesh on 23rd August, 2016.

  • jalasamrakshana

    Thursday 18th of August 2016

    The department of 29 has organized a one day work shop on WATER CONSERVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE on the eve of Krishna Pushkaralu by Govt. of AP on 18th August, 2016...

  • Skill Development

    Saturday 13th of August 2016

    School of Management Studies has organized a seminar on the topic of skill development on 13th August, 2016 on the eve of 12 day Krishna Pushkaras..

  • Swacchaandhra

    Tuesday 16th of August 2016

    MRPG College has conducted / Organized Seminar on Swaccha Andhra Pradesh on 16th August 2016

  • Double Digit Growth in AP

    Saturday 20th of August 2016

    School of Management Studies has organized a seminar on the topic of Double Digit Growth in AP on 20th August 2016...

  • Upadhi Kalpana

    Wednesday 17th of August 2016

    Department of 22 has organized a Seminar on 'UPADI KALPANA' on 17-08-2016..

  • Amaravathi Infrastructure

    Monday 30th of November -0001

    Department of Mathematics has organized a Seminar on 'Amaravathi Insfrastructure' at MRPG College...

  • Ozone Day

    Wednesday 16th of September 2015

    Department of 29 celebrated Ozone day

  • CONTECH-2015

    Sunday 30th of August 2015

    Conducted CONTECH-2015 Exam for degree students throughout district.

  • Guest Lecture

    Monday 21st of December 2015

    Prof. Murali Krishna department of Physical 29 attended for guest lecture in the department for previous students.

  • Model Aucet-2016

    Thursday 28th of January 2016

    Model Aucet-2016 for all P.G. courses started at 10.00AM. Register for 29 181 members.

  • World wet lands day

    Tuesday 2nd of February 2016

    Guest lecture organized on the eve of World wet lands day by Prof.P.Gurumurthy, Head soil& Agriculture 29-NAIRA-SKLM

  • Guest Lecture

    Thursday 2nd of June 2016

    Guest lecture arranged for previous & final year students by Prof. G.N.R. Sir, Prof in Department of Inorganic & Analytical 29-A.U.-VSKP.

  • Campus Drive

    Monday 25th of April 2016

    Elmira lab. conducted campus drive for both organic & analytical students.

  • Guest Lecture

    Monday 25th of April 2016

    Guest lecture arranged for Previous & final 29 students by Dr.S.Yashoda krishna IISc-Bangalore, on Nucleic acids repair mechanism & he also adviced to the students for further studies.

  • Induastrial Vist - BSNL

    Friday 21st of August 2015

    BSNL - Industrial Visit by MSc 26 Students

  • e-Marketting in today business

    Tuesday 18th of August 2015

    Work Shop on "E-Marketing in Today Business"

  • Sustainable Smart Cities

    Friday 28th of August 2015

    Guest Lecture on "Sustainable Smart Cities and Challenges (Chief Guest Dr. MAREK MOSINSKI | Coodinator Global Network for Sustainable Development GNSD |ARIZOVA State University, USA)

  • AIDS Awareness

    Tuesday 1st of December 2015

    AIDS Awareness Rally Program On the eve of "WORLD AIDS DAY"

  • Resume Building

    Wednesday 16th of December 2015

    Work Shop on "RESUME BUILDING"(16th & 17th December 2015) For 20 Students

  • STOCK MARKET - Challenges and Opportunities

    Tuesday 12th of April 2016

    Two Day Workshop on STOCK MARKET - Challenges and Opportunities (in association wtih Karvy Stock Broking)

  • Womens Day

    Tuesday 8th of March 2016

    Womens Day Celebrations


    Friday 6th of November 2015

    EKATA Business - Eveent

  • Dental Awareness

    Tuesday 13th of October 2015

    Dental Awareness & Free Checkup program - Dr. V. Ravi Kumar & RK Dental Clinic, Vizianagaram

  • Industrial Visit

    Sunday 6th of March 2016

    Industrial Visit Hydro Electric Powerstation - Machkand (6th, 7th March 2016 for MSc 26)

  • Jathiya Ekta Divas (National Unity Day)

    Monday 31st of October 2016

    Conducted by Department of History on behalf of Birthanniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel on October 31

  • Celebrating Happy New Year in the Department - 2016

    Friday 1st of January 2016

    Celebrating Happy New Year with students in the Department - 2016

  • Valedictory Function

    Monday 30th of November -0001

    Valedictory Function 2016

  • Farewell Function

    Monday 30th of November -0001

    Farewell Function

  • -

    Monday 30th of November -0001


  • One Day Workshop on Cashless Transaction

    Friday 23rd of December 2016

    One Day Workshop on C The Department of Commerce has organized a one day workshop on "Cashless Transactions in Inida" on 23rd December, 2016 i.e. Friday at MBA seminar hall from 11.00 am to 4.00 cashless Transaction

  • One Day Workshop on Cashless Transaction

    Friday 23rd of December 2016

    One Day Workshop on C The Department of Commerce has organized a one day workshop on "Cashless Transactions in Inida" on 23rd December, 2016 i.e. Friday at MBA seminar hall from 11.00 am to 4.00 cashless Transaction

  • One Day Workshop on Cashless Transaction

    Friday 23rd of December 2016

    One Day Workshop on C The Department of Commerce has organized a one day workshop on "Cashless Transactions in Inida" on 23rd December, 2016 i.e. Friday at MBA seminar hall from 11.00 am to 4.00 cashless Transaction

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Report on stall on the eve of Vizianagaram Utsav - 2016

    Sunday 16th of October 2016

    Commerce department has established a stall at fort on the eve of VIZIANAGARAM UTSAV from 16th October to 17th October 2017 regarding various schemes introduced by central government towards children, youth, women, employees and senior citizens. The main motive of establishment of stall is to make awareness among people who really need them.

  • Pedarikampai Gelupu

    Thursday 8th of December 2016

    One Day Workshop On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016 (Theame: Pedarikampai Gelupu)

  • Pedarikampai Gelupu

    Friday 12th of August 2016

    One Day Workshop On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016 (Theame: Pedarikampai Gelupu)

  • Pedarikampai Gelupu

    Thursday 8th of December 2016

    One Day Workshop On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016 (Theame: Pedarikampai Gelupu)

  • Pedarikampai Gelupu

    Friday 12th of August 2016

    One Day Workshop On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016 (Theame: Pedarikampai Gelupu)

  • Physical Literacy

    Saturday 13th of August 2016

    "Seminar On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016, Main Theme Of The Seminar Is ""Physical Literacy"""

  • Physical Literacy

    Saturday 13th of August 2016

    "Seminar On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016, Main Theme Of The Seminar Is ""Physical Literacy"""

  • Physical Literacy

    Saturday 13th of August 2016

    "Seminar On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016, Main Theme Of The Seminar Is ""Physical Literacy"""

  • Physical Literacy

    Saturday 13th of August 2016

    "Seminar On Special Themes On The Eve Of ""Krishna Pushkaralu"" 12th To 23rd August 2016, Main Theme Of The Seminar Is ""Physical Literacy"""

  • Anveshika Awards

    Tuesday 30th of September 2014

    Our Students Got Anveshika Awards

  • Science Day (Bouthika - 2K15)

    Tuesday 28th of February 2017

    Department of Physics Conduct Science Day Workshop and Name it as Bouthika - 2k15

  • Workshop on behalf of Krishna Pushkaralu

    Friday 16th of June 2017

    Department of Physics Conduct workshop on behalf of Krishna Pushkaralu

  • Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

    Tuesday 30th of September 2014

    Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

  • Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

    Tuesday 30th of September 2014

    Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

  • Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

    Tuesday 30th of September 2014

    Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

  • Science Day Celebrations 28- Feb - 2017

    Tuesday 28th of February 2017

    Celebration on behalf of Success of Mangalayaan (MOM)

  • Awards

    Tuesday 30th of September 2014


  • Workshop - 21-12-2015

    Monday 21st of December 2015

    Workshop - 21-12-2015

  • Prof Ratna Raj (Guest Lecture) - felicitation

    Monday 21st of December 2015

    Prof Ratna Raj (Guest Lecture) - felicitation

  • Industrial Tour - Machhakund Hydroelectric Project

    Friday 16th of June 2017

    Industrial Tour - Machhakund Hydroelectric Project

  • Industrial Tour - Machhakund Hydroelectric Project

    Friday 16th of June 2017

    Industrial Tour - Machhakund Hydroelectric Project

  • Industrial Tour - Jindal

    Friday 16th of June 2017

    Industrial Tour - Jindal

  • Industrial Tour - Jindal

    Friday 16th of June 2017

    Industrial Tour - Jindal

  • Teacher Training Program

    Monday 10th of July 2017

    Teacher Training Programm

  • Seminar / Workshop

    Sunday 9th of February 2025

  • Sunday 9th of February 2025

  • Sunday 9th of February 2025


To produce Knowledgeable and technically skilled healthy personnel with a sense of responsibility and global Competence.


To produce high quality To produce high quality Post Graduates in Science, Humanities, Management and Technology with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge and civic responsibility, who can contribute effectively to the progress of the country and society in the years to come through their chosen profession.

To establish and develop research and extension activity in science, humanities and professional courses.

Sri. Puspati. Anand Gajapathi RajuEx. Chairman of MANSAS (December 31, 1850 – May 23, 1897)

The great contribution of the Pusapati family to the growth and enhancement of the educational culture in Vizianagaram is well known phenomenon. The MANSAS organization which has brought fourth many an educational institution for the intellectual growth of the society being ably run by two stalwart sons of his great visionary Raja Saheb Dr.PVG Raju. The leader of his sons is Dr. P.Anand Gajapathi Raju, Chairman of MANSAS, who is a multifaceted man with exceptional qualities as a person as well as scholar. He is the man of intellectual integrity and humanism. He aspired to have clean politics to develop the nation a supreme power, both economically and socially.

He confides that roots for cherishing this lies in education. With a great vision of this he took the active role in politics and won 1983 elections and adorned ministry of Education and Health. During his tenure he tried his best to bring the education to the door step of the deserving people irrespective of economical and social positions by abolishing the capitation fee system in education. Further, he won the election in 1985 and 1991 as a Member of Parliament from Bobbili Constituency and brought the glory to the membership by his acumen imbued with political ideology.

After the demise of his father ,he has taken the reigns of MANSAS as a Chairman and been flowering it an epicenter of education by introducing engineering education and other professional courses under Trust and endeavoring to fulfill his father wishes. Culmination for his services to the cause of education has come in the way of conferment of Honorary Doctorate from Inter American University of Humanistic Studies, Florida, USA. He has been awarded with another Doctorate in Economics from Andhra University in 2009 towards the recognition of his contribution and works on economic policies in society.

Maharaja Pusapati Vijayram Gajapati Raju Indian parliamentarian and philanthropist && Founder of MANSAS Trust (May 1, 1924 – November 14, 1995)

He grew up to be a prince among democratic socialists and a democratic socialist among the princes. He was the first Indian ruler who pleaded that all estates should be abolished even without paying any compensation to their holders.

That was Pusapati Vijayrama Gajapati Raju, the last crown prince of Vizianagaram, popularly known as PVG and reverentially called "Raja Saheb". As a true socialist, he proved that example was better than precept by leading the Inam Satyagraha at Karivena village in Kurnool in 1954 and participating in shramdaan for digging an agriculture canal at Annamarajupeta of Srungavarapukota during 1949-50. He was imprisoned for 40 days for participation in that agitation. He was also arrested in December 1955 for leading a protest demonstration on behalf of the displaced persons of the Nandikonda(Nagarjuna Sagar) project, when Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru came to lay the foundation stone for that project at Mahanandi. Along with Rammanohar Lohia, he was arrested and imprisoned for 45 days in the Purnia district jail in Bihar for leading a no-tax campaign of the farmers of Bihar.

Born on May 2, 1924, at the Phool Baugh Palace, Vizianagaram, PVG was the eldest son of Maharaja Alak Narayana Gajapati and Maharani Vidyavati Devi. He was coached by pundits attached to the royal court and an English tutor, Bardswell, before he joined the St. Aloysius Convent School in Visakhapatnam in 1933. He studied at the Central College, Bangalore, between 1940-42, and in 1942, he joined the Presidency College, Madras.

Apart from having a bright academic career, he distinguished himself in sports, especially tennis and cricket. As a student of the Presidency College, he played cricket under the captaincy of the well-known cricketer C.K. Haridas. He promoted promising cricket players by sponsoring them. He also served as the president of the Andhra Cricket Association for a number of years.

At the time of his accession to the Vizianagaram throne in August 1945, the annual income of the estate was estimated at around Rs.30 lakh. However, well before the idea of estates abolition gained momentum, he championed the cause. He was deeply influenced by Mohan Kumaramangalam, Jayaprakash Narayan and Lohia.

PVG's popularity among the people can be gauged from the fact that he had won all the four elections to the Lok Sabha and five to the AP Legislative Assembly in which he contested from 1952 onwards. The electorate whether of Vizianagaram, Bobbili, Bheemunipatnam or Visakhapatnam had attached little importance to the political party represented by PVG. In 1952, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly as a Socialist candidate from Vizinagaram constituency and in 1955 as a Praja Socialist nominee from the same constituency. In 1957, he was elected to Lok Sabha from Visakhapatnam as an Independent candidate. However, in the same year, he was elected to the Assembly from the Bheemunipatnam constituency in a by-election, as a Congress candidate, which he successfully retained in the 1962 and 1967 elections also. In 1971, he was elected to the Lok Sabha as an Independent candidate from the Visakhapatnam constituency and in 1977, he represented the Bobbili Parliamentary constituency as a Congress candidate.

He survived a near fatal accident in May 1964. The car in which he was travelling to the Bhakra Nangal dam overturned and he sustained a severe head injury. The people in and around Vizianagaram prayed at the temples, mosques and churches for the recovery of their Maharaja.

He made an immense contribution to the fields of education, research and religion by donating large extents of his estate to educational institutions and temples. He was the hereditary trustee of the Simhachalam temple and over 100 other temples in his former estate. He purchased the Korukonda Palace and the 1000 acres of land surrounding it, from his uncle for Rs.5.5 lakh and donated it to the Central Government for establishment of the Sainik School.

In his doctoral thesis on "Tradition and modernity: A study of PVG Raju and his family in state and local politics", Karanam Narayana Rao describes PVG as `A true socialist and a commoner prince, who had surrendered his estate on the advice of Jayaprakash Narayan, without seeking any compensation'.

PVG founded the "Maharaja Alak Narayan Society of Arts and Science"(MANSAS) in 1958, in memory of his father, for the promotion of education. He donated almost all his properties to the trust. He had also donated liberally to Andhra University of which he served as Pro-Chancellor for some years.

The noble deeds of the Maharaja, who gifted almost all his wealth for the cause of public welfare, will continue to inspire the people for generations to come. The statue of this democratic socialist king stands majestically on Beach Road.

Maharaja Sahib Pusapati Sir ALAKA NARAYANA GAJAPATI Raju Manea Sultan Bahadur (26th August 1902 – 25th October 1937)

Maharaja Sahib Pusapati Sir ALAKA NARAYANA GAJAPATI Raju Manea Sultan Bahadur, 14th Zamindar of Vizianagram 1922/1937, born 26th August 1902, he succeeded to the gadi on 11th September 1922 and was installed on 22nd September 1922; married, Maharani Vidya Wati Devi, a daughter of Raja Bijay Sen of Keonthal, and had issue. He died 25th October 1937.

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